Invitation for Young Families in Canberra's South
Facebook Group
Fri 23 Jun 2023
It takes a community to raise a child. Growing up in Bean is all about providing parents and carers the connections to support, information, local services and activities available to them as they raise their babies in our community.
David Smith MP, Federal Member for Bean, invites local families with babies and toddlers to take part in a free community event, Growing up in Bean: to welcome the babies of the electorate of Bean in the ACT (Tuggeranong, Woden, Weston Creek, Molonglo and Tharwa).
Friday 23 June 2023, 10am-12noon
Level 1 Cooleman Court (outside Aldi and B Eco Family)
Parents and caregivers in Bean who have had a baby in the last two years or are having a baby soon.
Please join us for a free event hosted by David Smith MP, Federal Member for Bean. There will be fun for everyone!
What can you expect?
A free family photograph taken at the event
A commemorative certificate for your child and gift (by prior registration)
Morning tea
Chat with service providers including Services Australia, ACT Health and Kidsafe
Play with your little one with free kids activities
ACT Playgroups baby music session at 10:30am
A cloth nappy workshop with B Eco Family at 11am
A free goodie bag!
Growing up in Bean booklet with 70+ pages of information for local families will be launched and provided to all attendees.
Register by 3pm Thursday 22 June 2023 to receive a book and commemorative certificate.
Can't make it?
You can request a copy of
Growing up in Bean to be mailed to you. The guide aims to help you navigate your way through the early stages of parenting and caring and assist you in connecting with relevant supports, services and community groups.
It includes information on:
looking after your health
child health and safety
environmental health
early childhood education and care
financial tips, and
phone numbers and website links you might find useful
Need support navigating Federal Government support?
If you live in the Bean electorate and need any assistance accessing the Federal Government support such as parenting payments, child care subsidies or family tax benefits, please reach out to David Smith MP, Federal Member for Bean on 02 6293 1344 or
[email protected].
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